Parley X Corona
According to the United Nations, every square mile of ocean contains 46,000 pieces of floating plastic. This debris causes the deaths of more than a million seabirds and over 100,000 marine mammals every year. If current marine pollution trends continue, the oceans will contain more plastic than fish by 2050.
Since 2017, in collaboration with not for profit, global network, Parley for the Oceans, Corona has pledged to protect 100 islands from marine plastic pollution by 2020, as part of their global ‘Better World’s’ initiative. The beach and ocean are Corona’s home, and the brand is committed to protecting paradise – its spiritual heart and homeland.
To drive awareness, behavioural change and action among the Australian public, Corona wanted to leverage World Oceans Day on Friday 8th June, 2018, as an opportunity to launch a through-the-line campaign.
The brief presented to us was two-fold:
- Position Corona as a brand leading the conversation and solution related to marine plastic pollution
- Leverage earned media and social channels to drive awareness of Corona’s specific commitment to reducing plastic pollution, during the lead up to Oceans Week
The objective was to highlight Corona’s commitment to protect paradise in a creative execution to spark positive local conversation and action around everyday Australians plastic consumption and disposal behaviours. Campaign KPI’s were developed keeping Corona’s business objectives in-line, whilst having a great focus on generating awareness, reach and influence.
Working with Corona Australia and PHD Media, we developed a campaign to dramatize just how serious the problem of Australians plastic consumption and disposal behaviours is, and the impact it was having on our oceans and beaches. At the heart of the campaign was a single idea – to confront Australians with the real impact marine plastic pollution is having on our oceans and beaches.
The campaign was called ‘Wave of Waste’ and features a giant wave made from discarded plastic bottles, which represent the 1,580kg of plastic that enters Australian oceans hourly. hour.The ‘Wave of Waste’ was a closed-loop activation situated in Melbourne’s Federation Square, where consumers were bought face to face with the hard facts, and encouraged to actively dispose of their single use plastics on site.A mix of experiential, digital and earned channels were used to engage the established target audience, and to deliver on campaign objectives.
The Corona Wave of Waste campaign successfully achieved what it set out to do, in that it:
- Demonstrated Corona’s intent to protect paradise by driving awareness among Australians of the issue
- Amplified the brand’s Better World strategy to build brand love by engaging audiences offline and online
Corona’s Wave of Waste activation aligned to World Oceans Day, was also highly engaging for consumers, with distinctive and interesting elements contributing to a very strong enjoyment score.The brand association was in line with the Australian OOH norm but was significantly stronger amongst 18-49 year old beer drinkers.
The activation saw high levels of New Info, Relevance and Credibility which has laddered-up to strong short- and long-term motivational responses, aiding to set Corona apart from other brands and increase their emotional appeal to consumers. This was particularly evident amongst Corona’s typical media target.
- 30M opportunities-to-see generated via national TV, print and online stories
- 95% of media stories about the campaign were positive or neutral in sentiment
- 96% of stories achieved key-message cut-through
- 1.9M Australians reached (on average) via each piece of social content
- 21,620 direct interactions with the Wave of Waste
- 18% increase in educational information around the ‘Wave of Waste’ campaign among Corona’s target market of 18-49 y.o M/F
- 23% increase in purchase intent among Corona’s target market of 18-49 y.o M/F
- 18% increase in educational information around the ‘Wave of Waste’ campaign among Corona’s target market of 18-49 y.o M/F
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Herd MSL is an public relations and integrated communications agency operating in Australia and New Zealand that provides strategic counsel and creative thinking. We champion our clients’ interests through fearless and insightful campaigns that engage multiple perspectives and holistic thinking to build influence and deliver impact.
21 Harris Street, Pyrmont, Sydney, NSW.
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